Keynote Speakers
Wald Lecture
Martin Hairer
Wald Lecture
Martin is a Professor of Pure Mathematics at the Department of Mathematics of Imperial College London. His main areas of interest are probability theory and analysis, with a particular focus on the analysis of stochastic PDEs.
Rietz Lecture
Hans-Georg Müller
Rietz Lecture
Medallion Lecture
Rina is a Professor in the Department of Statistics at the University of Chicago. Her research interests are in developing and analyzing estimation, inference, and optimization tools for structured high-dimensional data problems.
Medallion Lecture
Medallion Lecture
Roman is a Professor of Mathematics at the University of California and an Associate Director of the ACO Center. His research spans high-dimensional probability and mathematical data science, with many particular interests.
Medallion Lecture
IMS Presidential Address
Krzysztof (Chris) is currently serving as the President of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics until July 2021. He is also a Professor of Mathematics and Adjunct Professor of Statistics at the University of Washington.
IMS Presidential Address